The great advantage for SCOM (in comparison with MOM) is that maintance mode can be set on all monitored classes. So it's possible to set maintance mode for a webapplication, without setting your complete IIS webserver to maintenance mode.
This post is about the Command Shell. When you install the SCOM Command Shell (Powershell is a prequirement), you'll get access to numerous SCOM cmdlets for different managing tasks.
To get all cmdlets concerning 'MaintenanceWindow', type:
>get-operationsmanagercommand where-object { $_.Name -match "MaintenanceWindow"}
Below are some examples...
Create a new maintenance window for a computer
# Ask user for input
$strComputerName = Read-Host "Enter computer name"
$objComputer = Get-Agent | Where-Object {$_.Name -match $strComputerName}
$objComputer.HostComputer | New-MaintenanceWindow -StartTime:"3/25/2009 22:00" -EndTime:"3/25/2009 23:30" -Comment: "Server maintenance"
Create a new maintenance window for a group
# Ask user for input
$strGroupName = Read-Host "Enter group name"
$objGroup = get-monitoringobject | Where-Object {$_.DisplayName -eq $strGroupName}
$objGroupAgents = $objGroup.getrelatedmonitoringobjects()
# Looping throug group object
foreach ($objAgent in $objGroupAgents)
New-MaintenanceWindow -startTime::"3/25/2009 22:00" -EndTime:"3/25/2009 23:30"
-monitoringObject:$objComputer -comment:"Server group maintenance"
Create a new maintenance window on a Web Application
Below is a script that puts a Web Application in maintenance mode. Using the extra get-monitoringclass cmdlet resulted in a faster script, then only using the cmdlet get-monitoringobject with a where clause.
# Ask user for input
$strWebApp = Read-Host "Enter the Web Application name"
# Get class object
$objMonClass = get-monitoringclass where-object { $_.Name -eq "Microsoft.SystemCenter.WebApplication.Perspective"}
# Connect object and add Maintenance Window
get-monitoringobject -MonitoringClass $objMonClass | Where-Object { $_.DisplayName -match $strWebApp } | New-MaintenanceWindow -StartTime:"3/25/2009 22:00" -EndTime:"3/25/2009 23:30" -Comment: "Server maintenance"
.... more examples to come.
See for ready made scripts to add computer, groups to maintance mode including the related health service.
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