Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Powershell: Searching for special characters? Get them all!

Today I wanted to see if I could add a checkbox like character to a custom table from Powershell.

Because of the nature of a command line script, I wanted to see if there were any interesting character codes to do this.
In Powershell you can use specific characters with the command [char]#.

You can use this command line to output all characters from a specific range (default is 0-10000). Have fun!
for($i=0;$i -le 10000;$i++){Write-Host -NoNewLine "$i $([char]$i) "; $k++ ; if($k -ge 15){Write-Host "";$k=0}}

Output looks like this:
9819 ♛ 9820 ♜ 9821 ♝ 9822 ♞ 9823 ♟ 9824 ♠ 9825 ♡ 9826 ♢ 9827 ♣ 9828 ♤ 9829 ♥ 9830 ♦ 9831 ♧ 9832 ♨ 9833 ♩ 
9834 ♪ 9835 ♫ 9836 ♬ 9837 ♭ 9838 ♮ 9839 ♯ 9840 ♰ 9841 ♱ 9842 ♲ 9843 ♳ 9844 ♴ 9845 ♵ 9846 ♶ 9847 ♷ 9848 ♸ 
9849 ♹ 9850 ♺ 9851 ♻ 9852 ♼ 9853 ♽ 9854 ♾ 9855 ♿ 9856 ⚀ 9857 ⚁ 9858 ⚂ 9859 ⚃ 9860 ⚄ 9861 ⚅ 9862 ⚆ 9863 ⚇ 
9864 ⚈ 9865 ⚉ 9866 ⚊ 9867 ⚋ 9868 ⚌ 9869 ⚍ 9870 ⚎ 9871 ⚏ 9872 ⚐ 9873 ⚑ 9874 ⚒ 9875 ⚓ 9876 ⚔ 9877 ⚕ 9878 ⚖ 
9879 ⚗ 9880 ⚘ 9881 ⚙ 9882 ⚚ 9883 ⚛ 9884 ⚜ 9885 ⚝ 9886 ⚞ 9887 ⚟ 9888 ⚠ 9889 ⚡ 9890 ⚢ 9891 ⚣ 9892 ⚤ 9893 ⚥ 
9894 ⚦ 9895 ⚧ 9896 ⚨ 9897 ⚩ 9898 ⚪ 9899 ⚫ 9900 ⚬ 9901 ⚭ 9902 ⚮ 9903 ⚯ 9904 ⚰ 9905 ⚱ 9906 ⚲ 9907 ⚳ 9908 ⚴ 
9909 ⚵ 9910 ⚶ 9911 ⚷ 9912 ⚸ 9913 ⚹ 9914 ⚺ 9915 ⚻ 9916 ⚼ 9917 ⚽ 9918 ⚾ 9919 ⚿ 9920 ⛀ 9921 ⛁ 9922 ⛂ 9923 ⛃ 
9924 ⛄ 9925 ⛅ 9926 ⛆ 9927 ⛇ 9928 ⛈ 9929 ⛉ 9930 ⛊ 9931 ⛋ 9932 ⛌ 9933 ⛍ 9934 ⛎ 9935 ⛏ 9936 ⛐ 9937 ⛑ 9938 ⛒ 
9939 ⛓ 9940 ⛔ 9941 ⛕ 9942 ⛖ 9943 ⛗ 9944 ⛘ 9945 ⛙ 9946 ⛚ 9947 ⛛ 9948 ⛜ 9949 ⛝ 9950 ⛞ 9951 ⛟ 9952 ⛠ 9953 ⛡ 
9954 ⛢ 9955 ⛣ 9956 ⛤ 9957 ⛥ 9958 ⛦ 9959 ⛧ 9960 ⛨ 9961 ⛩ 9962 ⛪ 9963 ⛫ 9964 ⛬ 9965 ⛭ 9966 ⛮ 9967 ⛯ 9968 ⛰ 
9969 ⛱ 9970 ⛲ 9971 ⛳ 9972 ⛴ 9973 ⛵ 9974 ⛶ 9975 ⛷ 9976 ⛸ 9977 ⛹ 9978 ⛺ 9979 ⛻ 9980 ⛼ 9981 ⛽ 9982 ⛾ 9983 ⛿ 
9984 ✀ 9985 ✁ 9986 ✂ 9987 ✃ 9988 ✄ 9989 ✅ 9990 ✆ 9991 ✇ 9992 ✈ 9993 ✉ 9994 ✊ 9995 ✋ 9996 ✌ 9997 ✍ 9998 ✎ 
9999 ✏ 10000 ✐

1 reacties:

Rick Campbell said...

good blog! followed

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